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Narvona Budtender Quiz
Hello, we're glad you made it to this page!
First off, we ask that you respect our wishes to take the quiz only once and that nobody outside of a dispensary that carries our brand may take this quiz without permission. You may use any part of the website to help answer questions with only one attempt per person.
All quiz submissions are checked for legitimacy before sending any reward(s).
The Peak of Purity
Here at Narvona, we set the boundaries for
excellence from the nutrients that go into
the plants to the sustainable, environmentally
friendly, reusable packaging our flower goes in.
Being family owned and operated, we stress both
honesty and purity, hence our motto: “The Peak of Purity”.
Our main goal is to supply accessible premium flower
all over Michigan.
There’s at least one thing that we prefer over all else,
quality over quantity; Before and while handling plants,
we maintain a clean room protocol by using
an air shower, gloves at all times, hairnets, and shoes worn ONLY inside the building. For growing media we have a coco-perlite mix and never use any pesticides, fillers, or bud-hardener. Once our bud reaches post-harvest, our team hand trims all of our bud to then be stored in cure tubes for packaging/distributing.
After being de-budded and hand-trimmed to perfection,
our flower is tested not only for its THC and cannabinoid
content, but terpenes as well! We get a detailed review
of each terpene.
Aside from our work in the grow and post-harvest
rooms, our packaging exhibits a fresh, clean, modern look.
In 2020, we were the first company to win a PAC
(Packaging Consortium) award. All around, our brand helps
consumers reach a state of “Narvona”.